
Try me

Who has to give to whom?

That’s the question that everyone said when a dinner or lunch ends or a friend trip is over.

And I said that every time too, so I decided to search an app that allow me to split the amount quickly.

After some research I found some nice app, but some need registration, some needs download from the store, some needs that a manger fill the configuration of every user.

So at the end I concluded that it would be nice to start build my own version.

First analisys

The main qualities that the app should have, were fast usage and parallel job

Fast usage because I want that the users will land directly on the page of the calculation/admin.

Parallel job because I don’t want that only one user will fill the data of every single person in the room.

To resolve the first problem I thought that to be fast to use/find, this app shouldn’t be downloadble from any kind of store and it shouldn’t have any type of registration/login neither.

Since there was no login, I had to find a way to allow users to set their own configurations and send them to other users for calculation.

I was thinking about the various ways of being able to pass data from one device to another and then I opted to generate a qrcode with the object created hashed in md5.