Develop bundle for Symfony ^4.0
06 Feb 2020Every time I have to create a shared Symfony bundle, I forgot how to structure the folders and files.
So here I put some usefull tips/link to speed up the development.
The first thing to do is creating a workable Symfony folder, using the instruction described in the download page of symfony. In this way I can test my bundle in a fresh real installation.
Create the space for your bundle
Next thing to do is create a folder in the root called “bundles” in order to have a folder that is “outside” the core files. Create the bundle inside called for example “GGGGinoRecentyBundle”
root +---bundles | \---GGGGino | \---RecentyBudle | +---composer.json | +---.git | \---... +---bin +---config
Configure symfony to load your bundle
Prepare the autoloader to get your bundle
{ ..., "autoload": { "psr-4": { "App\\": "src/", "GGGGino\\RecentyBundle\\": "bundles/GGGGino/RecentyBundle/src" } }, ... }
To apply this editing to t
Load your bundle inside the symfony project.
Of course before load the bundle, create it.
return [
// other bundles here
GGGGino\RecentyBundle\GGGGinoRecentyBundle::class => ['all' => true],
Now you can use this skeleton, that is a very good starting place.
There are also some good tools to test, beautify you code.
Here some of good structured Bundle to take inspiration from